The Dance Weekend 27.06 - 29.06 2025
The Program
Friday, 27 June
19.00 - 01.00 Milonga: DJ Jacqueline (NL)
Saturday, 28 June
12.45 - 14.00 Open drop-in class by Carsta
14.00 - 19.00 Milonga: DJ Bettina (DE)
21.00 - 02.00 Milonga: DJ Alex (@home)
Sunday, 29 June
13.00 - 18.00 Milonga: Jessica (SE)
19.00 - 22.00 Milonga: DJ Julija and Alex, a boundless
exploration into music styles
Extra - Included
20.00 Buffet for hungry travelers
12.00 - 12.35 Light lunch
19.00 Group dinner
12.00 - 12.45 Light lunch
18.00 Left over dinner for those still with us
Snacks and drinks throughout the event.
The Venue
The event will take place in La academia * 11 Alteubnitz * 01219 Dresden
La academia is the 'tango-child' of Carsta&Alex. A 3 side farm just 5 km away from Dresden center. There are an inside and an outside dance floor, a garden to relax, a stream to soak your feet in. Paradise in short.
• 3 minutes by car from the motorway
• direct 22-minute bus connection to the Dresden central railway station
• center 5km away – 15 minutes by bus/train station 4 km away – 10 minutes by bus
• less than 1 hour from the airport via S-Bahn and bus
For the dance weekend, we will restrict the number of participants to 2/3 of the usual number to create an intimate, relaxed, and social gathering.

Tango Creative Laboratory 24.06 - 27.06 2025

Learning week program
Monday 23 June. Evening dance for those already there
Tuesday 24 till Friday 27 June
Every day:
3 hours of workshops by Carsta (from "La Academia," Dresden) with time and space for both roles. A morning session and a late afternoon session.
On Thursday, only 1 morning class, In the afternoon we propose an accompanied visit to the stunning national park: Saxon Switzerland.
At all times, an open dance floor for practice.
Evening milongas, or at the venue, or at a regular Dresden milonga.
Group lunch and evening meal on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Visit Dresden city center, the greenest city in Europe.
Lodging Proposition
• In your tent/camper in the garden or in the dorm room or on the dance floor with your own sleeping mat and sleeping bag. 15,- Euro for 1 nights/person. You can mark your interest on the registration form!
• self-organized in local apartments/hotels. Right in front, hotel Klosterhof or click here for a list
Totally in Tango combined with Iron Tango
On the weekend of 20-22 of June, the yearly tango marathon 'Iron Tango' takes place at the same venue. This event is organized by Carsta and Alex themselves. For more information, visit their website.
Two events, two flavors!!!
12 days of tango pleasure combined into one unforgettable tango holiday.
Pricing & Registration
We welcome all dancers that enjoy double-role dancing.
No need to register with a partner.
We all dance with each other.
Is your friend/partner (still) a single-role dancer? You are both welcome.
Your participation fee is
175 Euro for the dance weekend and
350 Euro for the creative laboratory
Accommodation is not included.
Your participation will only be
confirmed by us after the reception
of your participation fee.
La Academia is located in a city environment. In order to respect the rest of the neighbors, we will dance inside or outside with a lower music volume after 22.00 at night, and also on Sunday, between 13.00 and 15.00 in the afternoon. Thank you for your understanding.