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TiT @ Freiburg
17  - 19  November   2023

Hinterkirchstr. 21

79108 Freiburg (DE)

The Venue

Tango club Corazón is our home for this edition of Totally in Tango. They exist for 25 years now and are very happy to support a double role tango event in their community. 

The venue has a high-quality wooden dance floor, a good sound system, and a bar.  Daylight streams in through big windows.  There is a 'garden' area for us to cool down in between dances. I'm sure we'll have a great time. 

You will find local travel information to the venue on this page.

A small warning to all coming by car, the city of Freiburg has a 30 km/h policy on the whole territory.  There are many speed cameras installed, and they work at all times of the day.

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Salón de Tango

The   Program 

Friday, November 17,


18.00 – 19 .00 Carsta

Freiheit und Neugier / Freedom and curiosity

Beschreibung: Wer kennt diese Anweisungen nicht: „Sei locker! Mehr Spannung! Mehr Erde! Nicht so leicht! Nicht so schwer!“. Ja was denn nun? Und vor allem Wie?

Neugierig sein auf den nächsten Moment, Loslassen können, Freiheit beim Tanzen erlangen

Wir arbeiten mit Übungen und an Beispielen an unseren Möglichkeiten.

Description: Who doesn't know these instructions: "Be loose! More tension! More earth! Not so light! Not so heavy!". Yes what then? And above all how?

Being curious about the next moment, being able to let go, attaining freedom in dancing.

We work on our possibilities with exercises and examples.

19.15 – 20.15 Francesco & Gesine

Strategien fließenden Rollenwechsels/strategies for fluid role-changing

Beschreibung: Oft geschieht der Rollenwechsel einfach dadurch, dass die Umarmung gewechselt wird. Dazu gibt es dialogisch reizvolle Alternativen, die zudem musikalisch ausgekostet werden können.

description: role-change often happens just by chanching the embrace. There are some alternatives, which are dialogically exciting and can be enjoyed in a musical way, too.

20.30.- 24 Uhr practice time

Saturday, November 18,


10.00 – 12.00 Carsta

„Wieviel Salz gehört in die Suppe?“ / "How much salt belongs in the soup?"

Beschreibung: Wir erarbeiten uns Möglichkeiten, unserem Tanz das entsprechende Gewürz zu geben.

Description: We work out ways of adding an interesting spice to our dance


13.30 – 15.00 Francesco & Gesine

Bewegungsqualitäten für aktives Folgen / quality of movement for active following

Beschreibung: Wie kann ich aktiv folgen, ohne die Führung zu übernehmen? Figuren und Formen können besonders via bewusst eingesetzter Bewegungsqualitäten kreativ mitgestaltet werden.

description: how is active following possible without taking over the leading role? Forms and figures of he leading person can be co-created creatively, especially via consciously applied qualities of movement.


15.15 – 16.45 Carsta

„Rhythmische Spielerein“ / Rhythmic playful things

16.45 – 18.30 Guided Praktica by all teachers

Kontakt + Zuwendung mithilfe von Torsion / Contact + attachment with the help of torsion

21.00 – 01.00 practice time



Sunday, November 19.


11.00 – 12.30 Carsta

„In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft“ / „ strength lies in calmness“

Beschreibung: Wir arbeiten mit Ruhe und Aktion – dynamische Momente in der Ruhe, Wechel von Verlangsamung und Beschleunigung


Description: We work on stillness and action - dynamic moments in stillness, alternating between slowing down and speeding up.


13.30 – 15.00 Round up class by all teachers



15.15 – 18.30 Practice time

18.30 – 19.30 Regular practica classs for El Corazon members by Carsta

19.30 – 23.30 Practice time for TiT participants and the regular El Corazon members


Saturday, November 18

19:00-20:30 Dinner @ restaurant Parsian (next doors to the 

dance venue. Included in the event price.)


Sunday,  November 19*.

18:30-20:00 Dinner @ restaurant Parsian (next door to the 

dance venue. Included in the event price)

Small snacks and drinks throughout the event.

We can not serve or eat meals in the dance venue. We have partnered with the restaurant next door for evening meals. For your lunch in between the day workshops, there are several cafes in the neighborhood.

* 19 November is the National Day of Mourning (Volkstrauertag) and is an occasion to remember all victims of war and tyranny. Like the Sunday of the Dead (Totensonntag), the National Day of Mourning is a “silent day” - this means that in some regions of Germany, music or dance events are prohibited. While National Day of Mourning is not a public holiday, it is categorized as a silent day (stiller Tag) in all or part of Germany. In some states, special restrictions may apply for certain types of activities. Depending on the state, businesses may follow normal or restricted opening hours, or they may be closed for the day.

The   Teachers


“Francesco Gatti, living and working as a tango-coach in Freiburg,

considers double-rolling as one of the most precious possibilities to detect and deepen an authentic connection within the dancing couple.”

He will be assisted by Gesine Roewer. 


Carsta Mock, living and working in Dresden runs the LaAcademia tango school for more than 15 years.

For many years a special double role class is part of the regular week offer. She is also a regular teacher at the Prozermuhle and for tango holidays in Krete.

Totally in Tango has had 4 editions at her school already where intensive learning weeks were part of the program.

Your participation fee is € 110.

Accommodation is not included.


Payment at the start of the event.

  Pricing &   Registration

We welcome all dancers that enjoy double-role dancing.

No need to register with a partner.

We all dance with each other.


Is your friend/partner (still) a single-role dancer? You are both welcome.

Your participation fee is 220 Euro

Accommodation is not included.

Your participation will only be

confirmed by us after the reception

of your participation fee.

No single-day passes will be sold. 

Registration only via the link on this page.

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The event is fully booked

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